ZBC Re-Opening Plan
Step 1
To Begin May 22nd
Whitestown Family Play, Practices
Whitestown Practice Location
- Maximum of 5 teams per time slot (1 Per field, 1 team at cages)
- 12 players and 3 coaches per team per time slot. Parents may drop off and pick up only.
- Field 1 – parking near large storage shed (east parking lot)
- Field 2- parking toward middle of two parking lots
- Field 3 – parking near basketball court (north parking lot)
- Players to remain 6 feet apart
- Bat bags hung on fence 6 ft apart
- Throwing at least 6 ft apart
- BP with players shagging maintaining 6 ft apart
- Defense with no more than 1 player per position
- Bullpen players to remain 6 ft apart
- Coaches should maintain a distance of at least 6 ft apart
- Avoid shouting and any drills/practice situations where you cannot maintain 6 ft apart
- Keep hands away from face as much as possible.
- Field clean up
- Rakes, gator, and other equipment should be sanitized following use.
- Self-Screen should be completed by all players and coaches prior to attending any ZBC function
- Temperature taken (must be below 100 to participate)
- Identify any symptoms of illness (player or member of household must not have any of the following to participate)
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing
- Lack of sense of smell or taste
- Fatigue
- General muscle soreness
- Players and Coaches should practice good hand washing/hand sanitizing prior to practice, during practice, and upon completion of practice.
- Players are encouraged to have a personal hand sanitizer with them. There will be a bottle on each field and around the park.
- It is necessary that players do not share equipment such as batting helmets, bats, gloves, catcher’s gear, etc. Absolutely no sharing of food or drink.
- Signs are posted around the complex to reinforce good washing habits and social distancing reminders.
- Facemasks are strongly recommended.
- Restrooms, playground, and concessions are off limits.
Step 2
To Begin June 12th
Whitestown Family Play, Practices, Games, Modified Tournaments
Whitestown Location
Teams Practicing at WT:
Maximum of 5 teams per time slot (1 Per field, 1 team at cages) 250 people allowed per field
- 12 players and 3 coaches per team per time slot. Parents may drop off and stay or leave.
- Field 1 – parking near large storage shed (east parking lot)
- Field 2- parking toward middle of two parking lots
- Field 3 – parking near basketball court (north parking lot)
- Players to remain 6 feet apart
- Bat bags hung on fence 6 ft apart
- Throwing at least 6 ft apart
- BP with players shagging maintaining 6 ft apart
- Defense with no more than 1 player per position
- Bullpen players to remain 6 ft apart
- Coaches should maintain a distance of at least 6 ft apart
- Should avoid shouting and any drills/practice situations where you cannot maintain 6 ft apart.
- Keep hands away from face as much as possible.
- Self-Screen should be completed by all players, staff, and coaches prior to attending any ZBC function
- Temperature taken (must be below 100 to participate)
- Identify any symptoms of illness (player or member of household must not have any of the following to participate)
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing
- Lack of sense of smell or taste
- Fatigue
- General muscle soreness
- Players and Coaches should practice good hand washing/hand sanitizing prior to play, during play, and upon completion of play.
- Players are encouraged to have a personal hand sanitizer with them. There will be a bottle on each field for players and coaches and bottles around the park for all visitors.
- It is highly recommended that players do not share equipment such as batting helmets, bats, gloves, catcher’s gear, etc. If sharing is required, equipment will be sanitized before reuse. Sanitizing equipment is provided at WT. Absolutely no sharing of food or drink.
- Signage is posted around the complex to reinforce good washing habits and social distancing reminders.
- Facemasks are strongly recommended for all visitors.
- All coaches, players, and families should maintain 6’ social distancing throughout the park.
- Parents are encouraged to watch games from the outfield fence lines or car.
- No congregating in park. Parents and players are required to leave at the conclusion of their practice or game.
- Dugouts will be sanitized after usage.
- No team huddles. Coaches and players are recommended to maintain 6’ social distancing for team meetings or instruction.
- No spitting or eating seeds, gum, or similar products.
- Players and coaches must refrain from high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, or anything similar.
- Hand sanitizer will be available by dugouts and around the park for coaches, players, and families to use.
- Concession stand will be limited to prepackaged food and drinks. Staff will wear gloves and masks.
- Bleacher usage will be off limits. Please bring your own chair and practice social distancing around outside of fields.
- It is recommended that people with health issues or over 65 stay away from the park.
- Restrooms are off limits. Porta-pots will be available for guests to use and ensure social distancing.
Step 3
To Start July 4th (Subject to change)
Whitestown and ZBC will look to return to standard operations with revised guidelines that comply with the State of Indiana and CDC regulations, as they apply.
Protocol for Covid-19 Symptoms/Diagnosis
- Anyone Exhibiting COVID-19 Symptomsmust remain at home until they are symptom free for 72 hours (3 full days) without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g., cough suppressants).
- Anyone Testing Positive for COVID-19must self-quarantine away from the park and team. Anyone that tests positive and is symptom free may return to the park when at least 14 days have passed since the date of his or her first positive test without subsequent illness.
- Anyone with Close Contact (within 6 feet for more than 15 min.) to an Individual Who Has Tested Positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate for 14 days and be symptom free or receive a negative test before returning to play.